This is a directed graph which permits arbitrary nodes of type NTP. This is the default graph implementation. NTP is the node type i.e the unique node index The actual nodes of the graph may be supplied by the user of this class, during the add_node. The digraph is implemented by two hash mappings from nodes to parents and nodes to outgoing. There is also a separate list of nodes.




add_node(n: NTP)
**** Short hand for "add_node(n:NTP): NTP" that is only valid for this sort of graph, where the user specifies the node type.
add_node(n: NTP): NTP
**** Add the node "n". In this kind of hash digraph, the node index returned is guaranteed to be the same as the node "n". Note that this is not generally true for graphs
add_node: NTP
**** Add a new node and return the index
connect(e: DIEDGE{NTP})
**** Connect source to target. No change if the edge already exists Add the nodes if they do not exist
connect(f,s: NTP) .. Included as connect
connect(f,s: NTP): SAME .. Included as connect
copy: $DIGRAPH{NTP} .. Included as copy
create(node_gen: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP}): SAME
**** Create a new digraph. Store "node_gen" as a generator of nodes, so that when "add_node: NTP" is called it can generate unique new nodes.
create: SAME
**** Create a new digraph and return it. Since a node generator is not specified, it will not be possible to call the "add_node:NTP" function, since the graph will not know how to create new unique nodes. All the data structures can be initialized with void
delete_node(n: NTP)
**** Delete a node from the graph, and all its accompanying edges
disconnect(e: DIEDGE{NTP})
**** Deletes the edge "e".
disconnect(f,s: NTP) .. Included as disconnect
equals(g: $RO_DIGRAPH{NTP}):BOOL .. Included as equals
**** True if both have the same set of nodes and edges
has(n: NTP): BOOL .. Included as has
has_edge(e: DIEDGE{NTP}): BOOL
has_node(n: NTP): BOOL
is_empty: BOOL .. Included as is_empty
is_identical(g: SAME): BOOL
**** Check whether the two graphs have the same nodes, edges in the same order
is_topo_order(n: $ARR{NTP}):BOOL
**** Return true if the nodes in "n" do not violate the precedence relations expressed by the graph "self"
n_adjacent(n:NTP): INT .. Included as n_adjacent
n_edges: INT
**** Returns the number of edges in the graph, making sure each edge is only counted once
n_incoming(n: NTP): INT
**** Number of incoming edges from node "n"
n_neighbors(n: NTP): INT
**** Returns the number of neighbors of "n" (nodes are only counted once)
n_nodes: INT
n_outgoing(n: NTP): INT
**** Number of outgoing edges from node "n"
elt_eq(e1,e2:ETP):BOOL .. Included as node_equal
**** The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
size: INT .. Included as size
str: STR .. Included as str
**** Print out the graph using the bound routine "f" for the nodes

adjacent!(once n: NTP): NTP .. Included as adjacent!
**** Adjacent is aliased to "outgoing"
bf!(once n: NTP): NTP
**** Yield all nodes in breadth first order
df!(once n: NTP): NTP
**** Yield all nodes in depth first order
edge!: DIEDGE{NTP}
**** Return all edges in the graph
elt!: NTP .. Included as elt!
**** Returns the nodes of the graph
incoming!(once n: NTP): NTP
layer!: SET{NTP}
**** Peel off successive layers from the graph, starting with the root set. Stop when no more roots (nodes with no incoming edges) can be found.
node!: NTP
outgoing!(once n: NTP): NTP
sink!: NTP
**** Yield all the sink nodes (with n_outgoing = 0) in self
source!: NTP
**** Yield all the source nodes with n_incoming = 0 in self
topo_order!: NTP
**** Yield the nodes of self in some topologically sorted orer


check_node(n: NTP,routine_name: STR): BOOL
elt_hash(e:ETP):INT .. Included as elt_hash
**** A hash value associated with an element. Must have the property that if "elt_eq(e1,e2)" then "elt_hash(e1)=elt_hash(e2)". Can be defined to always return 0, but many routines will then become quadratic. Uses object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
elt_lt(e1,e2:ETP):BOOL .. Included as elt_lt
**** The "less than" relation used in the sorting routines. Compares the object "id" by default. May be redefined in descendants.
elt_nil: ETP .. Included as elt_nil
**** Return the nil value. If the element is under $NIL then return e.nil. Otherwise, return void
attr incoming_map: FMULTIMAP{NTP,NTP};
attr incoming_map: FMULTIMAP{NTP,NTP};
is_elt_nil(e:ETP):BOOL .. Included as is_elt_nil
attr node_generator: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP};
**** Generator of nodes which is used by add_node. If a node generator is not provided at creation time, then add_node cannot be used, since the graph does not know how to create new unique nodes.
attr node_generator: $SUCC_STREAM{NTP};
**** Generator of nodes which is used by add_node. If a node generator is not provided at creation time, then add_node cannot be used, since the graph does not know how to create new unique nodes.
attr node_list: FLIST{NTP};
**** List of nodes in the graph
attr node_list: FLIST{NTP};
**** List of nodes in the graph
node_str(n: NTP): STR .. Included as node_str
**** There should not be void nodes in the graph!
attr outgoing_map: FMULTIMAP{NTP,NTP};
**** Keep both around since it is quite expensive to derive one from the other.
attr outgoing_map: FMULTIMAP{NTP,NTP};
**** Keep both around since it is quite expensive to derive one from the other.

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